Pre Spine Surgery Information

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Preoperative Preparation

Plain x-rays, dynamic xrays, MRI scan and +/-CT scan of your spine are necessary at the time of your pre-operative appointments. This will help with pre-operative planning.

Discuss with Dr Shumayou Dutta regarding any special concerns (living situation, return to work, home care requirements)

Do make a list of Medications that you take normally. You might be required to stop some of them, specifically Aspirin and/or blood thinners and/or birth control pills ONE week prior to surgery).

Points you may want to discuss with Dr Dutta to make your pre-operative consult most productive. Natural history of your condition, treatment options and expected outcomes of each, complications of any intervention, expected costs, duration of hospital stay, leave from work, general health of your spine.

Complete Your Pre-op Testing

Dr. Shumayou Dutta will provide you with a list of tests that are needed to ascertain your candidacy for anaesthesia. Blood work and urinalysis, medical clearance, and psychiatric evaluation (in some) may be necessary for certain circumstances if your medical history dictates the need. If required, Dr Dutta will also ask you to meet the anaesthetist assigned for your case for an examination and discussion on anaesthesia related complications. The whole process can be completed in a day or two. Once cleared, we will provide a date of surgery. The patient may get admitted on the day of surgery, however we admit elderly patients one day prior to surgery for optimisation and observation.

Eat Iron Rich Foods

Consuming foods rich in iron helps prevent anaemia after spine surgery. Foods rich in iron include red meat, egg yolks, dark leafy greens, dried fruit, iron-enriched cereals (check the labels), beans/ lentils/ dal/ chickpeas/ soybeans.

If you are a smoker, then you are required to quit smoking for 3 weeks prior to spine surgery.

Stop all aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and alcohol 5 days prior to the procedure or as directed. If you need to continue your medication, discuss with Dr. Shumayou Dutta about the medication.

If it is a scheduled surgery, 5 days prior to surgery, use chlorhexidine wash to scrub the area of the surgery (lower back, neck) daily. Mupirocin ointment to be applied in the nose twice daily for 5 days.

Night before the surgery:

If you are getting admitted on the morning of the surgery, do not eat or drink anything after midnight or eight hours before the procedure (whichever is lesser). This includes water, coffee, and juice. If you take medication regularly, ask Dr. Shumayou Dutta whether you can take the medication with a sip of water. If you are getting admitted a day before the surgery, our resident doctors will inform you from when to stay on an empty stomach. Do not forget to bring all your reports, labs, images for admission.

Remember, you make the difference! Your active participation is a major part in your recovery.